Similar to spaghetti Carbonara, this dish uses parsley, garlic and anchovies instead of bacon. The eggs are added at the end, and cooked by the hot spaghetti, just like in the Carbonara recipe. Serve with lots of Parmesan cheese and freshly ground black pepper. 标签:意大利面条,沙丁鱼,鸡蛋,蒜,面食 |
A classic, simple, delicious Italian pasta recipe, spaghetti carbonara (Spaghetti alla Carbonara in Italian) is pasta with bacon, eggs and Parmesan cheese. This recipe is simple to make and can be ready in just 10 minutes, yet it is extremely tasty, great for lunch or dinner. 标签:意大利面,培根,大蒜,鸡蛋,帕尔玛奶酪 Average user rating:  |
A classic Italian recipe, spaghetti with meatballs cooked in a tomato sauce with herbs. Great with crusty Italian bread. 标签:肉圆,意大利面条 |
这面条卡尔博食谱使用黄油,辣椒片,重霜。 标签:重奶油,培根,意大利面,意大利干酪,意大利面 |
A variation of this famous Italian spaghetti carbonara recipe that uses ham instead of bacon. 标签:火腿,意大利干酪,鸡蛋,黄油,面条 |
A simple, easy to make, delicious Italian pasta dish, spaghetti carbonara is pasta with a egg, cream and ham sauce, perfect as a fast dish, lunch or dinner. The sauce is basically cooked by tossing it in the hot pasta - the only thing that needs to be cooked in this recipe, besides the pasta is the prosciutto and onions. Serve the pasta with freshly cracked black pepper and grated Parmesan cheese. 标签:鸡蛋,火腿,奶油,干酪,意大利面条 Average user rating:  |
经典的意大利通心粉Puttanesca食谱。 标签:刺山柑,凤尾鱼,大蒜,西红柿,辣椒片 |
Another variation of the classic Italian spaghetti puttanesca dish. It can be served as a starter or as a meal on its own. 标签:凤尾鱼,刺山柑,番茄,橄榄,大蒜 |
Meatballs flavored with Italian herbs baked in the oven with tomato sauce, great with spaghetti or as a snack. 标签:意大利面,肉丸,牛肉,干酪,大蒜 |
Pasta with a meat sauce made with minced beef, chicken livers, celery, carrot, onion, tomatoes and red wine. The special with this recipe is the use of the chicken livers. 标签:肉末,鸡肝,红酒,番茄,面食 |