Receitas semelhante ao de frango com pimentão assado e coentros

Laranja Receita de frango 

Orange chicken is a very popular chicken recipe, especially in the Asian cuisine. There are a lot of variations for this recipe, depending mostly on the ingredients used. In this recipe, boneless chicken pieces are coated first in a seasoned egg mixture, then in flour and cornstarch, deep fried and then stir-fried and cooked in an orange flavored sauce. The chicken can be cooked in a wok or a deep frying pan.
Tags: peito de frango, casca de laranja, molho de soja light, óleo de gergelim, suco de laranja 
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Limão e alho receita de frango 

Chicken breasts marinaded in lemon juice and garlic, grilled, and served with a tomato basil sauce. Great as a main dish when served with a simple green salad and pasta or polenta.
Tags: peito de frango, limão, alho, salsa, tomate 

Penne com uma receita de molho de tomate de frango 

Penne and tomato sauce with sliced chicken breasts marinated in herbs. Great with freshly made gralic bread.
Tags: peito de frango, tomate, penne, macarrão, ervas 

Receita picante de frango e berinjela 

Chicken breasts cut into slices, cooked with eggplants (or aubergines) in a spicy wine, tomato and garlic sauce. This dish is a delicious, easy to prepare and low in calories.
Tags: frango, berinjela, alho, cebola verde 

Laranja Receita de frango e alho 

Chicken breasts marinated in olive oil and oregano, slow cooked with garlic and orange or blood orange juice. You can marinate the chicken the day before, start cooking it in the morning and have it ready at lunch time.
Tags: peitos de frango, panela de barro, laranja, alho, vinho branco 

Fácil receita de frango laranja 

An easy orange chicken recipe that can be ready in as little as 15 minutes. Boneless chicken breasts are sauteed in butter and served with an oranged flavored sauce made with onions, fresh orange juice and zest, tarragon and cream. 
Tags: peito de frango desossado, a manteiga, a cebola, as raspas de laranja, suco de laranja 

Chicken Parmesan (outra versão) da receita 

Chicken breasts coated in breadcrumbs, topped with mozzarella cheese and baked in tomato sauce.
Tags: peitos de frango, queijo parmesão, molho de tomate, azeite, manteiga 

Bacon, tomate cereja e espinafre receita de massa 

A simple, delicious pasta recipe, great for summer. Spaghetti is tossed with fried pancetta, cherry tomatoes, baby spinach and a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. The recipe can be ready in under 15 minutes.
Tags: pancetta, tomate cereja, baby espinafre, vinagre balsâmico, espaguete 

Galinha Receita Siracusa 

In this Sicilian recipe, chicken is first marinated in herbs and nutmeg, browned in olive oil, onions, garlic, orange juice and white wine and then baked.
Tags: galinha, alecrim, vinho branco, alho, orégano 
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Receita do molho de tomate italiano Basic 

This basic Italian tomato sauce is a great sauce to use on top of pasta or as a base ingredient for a variety of tomato based pasta or other sauces. It is extremely easy to make and refrigerates well, for 2 weeks or more. Make more than you need and refrigerate in air-tight jars until you need it again. The secret in this sauce is the quality of the tomatoes. The better the tomatoes, the better the sauce.
Tags: tomate fresco, azeite, vinagre de vinho tinto, açúcar, sal 
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