Recipes similar to Chicken Parmesan (our favorite version)

Fettuccine with gorgonzola and sweet onion sauce recipe 

A simple pasta dish using a creamy sauce made with gorgonzola and sweet onions.
Tags: Gorgonzola cheese, red onion, garlic, rosemary, butter 

Frango com sálvia e espargos receita 

Peitos de frango cozido com cogumelos e aspargos em vinho e sálvia.
Tags: galinha, a sálvia, aspargos, alho, cogumelos brancos 

Receita de frango cremoso fettuccini 

Fettucini com frango cozido em um creme de cogumelos e molho de alho. 
Cogumelos Tags: galinha, fattucini, creme de leite fresco, alho branco 

Receita lasanha bolonhesa 

A traditional Italian dish, lasagna bolognaise is a dish that is made of layers of pasta, bolognaise and white sauce (bechamel). The dish is topped with grated Parmezan cheese and then cooked in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes. The lasagna can be prepared a day ahead, stored in the refrigerator and baked just before serving.
Tags: carne moída, cebola, alho, lasanha, tomate 

Receita picante de frango e berinjela 

Chicken breasts cut into slices, cooked with eggplants (or aubergines) in a spicy wine, tomato and garlic sauce. This dish is a delicious, easy to prepare and low in calories.
Tags: frango, berinjela, alho, cebola verde 

Linguini e amêijoas em uma receita cremoso molho de estragão 

A simple and extremely tasty linguini recipe. Main ingredients are clams and tarragon
Palavras-chave: moluscos, linguini, alho, creme, massas 

Receita de lasanha de espinafre e ricota 

One of the best lasagna recipes, this delicious pasta dish is made with fresh spinach, leek and onion, ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese and a homemade tomato sauce. The dish can be prepared in advance and baked when needed.
Tags: alho-poró, espinafre, ricota, queijo parmesão, molho de tomate 
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Minestrone Sopa receita 

Minestrone is a famous Italian vegetable and pasta soup, easy to make and ready in under 20 minutes.
Palavras-chave: medula óssea, cannellini feijão, cebolinha, alho, folhas de sálvia 

Receita de frango grelhado com manjericão 

Chicken breasts brushed with basil flavoured butter, grilled and served with a garlic, basil and Parmesan flavoured butter. Served with baked potatoes and a salad, this dish makes a delicious complete meal.
Tags: frango, manjericão, alho, parmesão 

Frango com pimentos assados e receita de coentro 

Chicken breasts cooked in a wine, garlic, tomato, coriander, onion and roasted peppers sauce. The use of roasted peppers gives this dish an intense, delicious flavor. 
Tags: frango, pimentos assados, coentro, alho, tomate