Recipes similar to Chicken Marsala Italian fried rice and cheese balls filled with a shrimp and cream mixture, great as an appetizer. Tags: cebola, camarão, creme, salsa, arroz | Um grande aperitivo com abobrinha, alho e pimenta vermelha seca. Tags: abobrinha, alho, pimenta vermelha seca, a salsa | An healthy spaghetti dish using a lemon and olive oil based sauce. Unlike most spaghetti recipes, the sauce in this one is not cooked; instead, fresh lemon juice together with olive oil and Parmesan cheese are used as the sauce. This is a great recipe for people who like the taste and arome of fresh lemon juice. Use good quality, fresh lemons, preferably organic. Tags: alho, suco de limão, azeite, macarrão, salsa | Breaded veal cutlets baked in the oven with a shallot, garlic and mushroom sauce. Great as a main dish when served together with roasted potatoes and a green salad. Tags: costeletas de vitela, queijo parmesão, cebolinha, alho, vinho Marsala | Round steak rubbed in garlic and olive oil, stuffed with carrot, zucchini and parsley, rolled and baked in a tomato sauce. You can use a ready made tomato sauce but prefer to make the one included in this recipe for best results. Tags: bife redondo, molho de tomate, cenoura, abobrinha, salsinha |