Recipes similar to Chicken Marsala

Receita Cogumelos recheados 

Mushrooms stuffed with sauteed sausages, garlic, parsley and parmesan cheese and baked in the oven. Serve with garlic bread for a great appetizer.
Tags: cogumelos, salsichas italiano, salsinha, azeite, queijo parmesão 

Espaguete com molho de carne Receita florentino 

Pasta with a meat sauce made with minced beef, chicken livers, celery, carrot, onion, tomatoes and red wine. The special with this recipe is the use of the chicken livers.
Tags: carne picada, os fígados de galinha, o vinho tinto, tomate, macarrão 

Receita de frango grelhado com manjericão 

Chicken breasts brushed with basil flavoured butter, grilled and served with a garlic, basil and Parmesan flavoured butter. Served with baked potatoes and a salad, this dish makes a delicious complete meal.
Tags: frango, manjericão, alho, parmesão 

Galinha Receita lasanha 

Uma receita deliciosa lasanha com frango.
Tags: frango, lasanha, cogumelos 

Receita de frango italiano crock pot 

Um fácil, saudável e de baixa receita galinha gorda italiano.
Tags: pote de barro, frango, cebola, alho, manjericão 

Espaguete com receita de camarão ao alho 

An easy spaghetti and garlic shrimp recipe. Use fresh, medium or large sized shrimps for best results.
Tags: camarões, alho, salsa, vinho branco, manteiga 

Linguini com molho de mariscos vermelho receita 

A simple, delicious, easy to make Italian pasta dish with linguine and clams cooked in a red tomato based sauce. This dish can be ready in 10 to 12 minutes, provided that you cook the pasta and sauce parallel.
Palavras-chave: linguine, amêijoas, salsa, alho, cebola 
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Linguini e receita de amêijoas 

Linguini com amêijoas cozidas em vinho e estragão 
Palavras-chave: moluscos, linguini, alho, salsa, vinho branco 

Pasta de sálvia e receita do molho de manteiga marrom 

A simple, yet delicious pasta dish using butter and fresh sage as the main ingredients. The sauce has a brown color, hence its name. This brown color comes from the burned butter. The sauce and pasta take approximately the same amount of time to cook (around 10 minutes). The only preparation needed is to boil the water for cooking the pasta.
Palavras-chave: folhas de sálvia, manteiga sem sal, caldo de galinha, macarrão 

Scarpariello receita de frango 

Chicken pieces dredged in seasoned flour, browned in olive oil and baked in a wine, onion and herbs sauce. This extremely tasty dish can be served with roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes or polenta and a simple green salad.
Tags: galinha