Receitas similares a Spicy chipotle camarão

Pequeno-almoço de frango receita enchiladas 

A great breakfast dish, enchiladas filled with chicken, onion, bell pepper and cheese, topped with an egg, milk and cheese mixture and baked in the oven.
Palavras-chave: farinha tortilhas, checken, pimentão vermelho, alho, ovos 

Receita chilaquiles 

Chilaquiles are fried corn tortillas cooked in red or green salsa and served with cheese or other condiments. They are typically served for breakfast together with eggs, beans and nopalitos (a Mexican vegetable).
Tags: tortilhas de milho, salsa chile vermelho, verde salsa, queijo, cebola roxa 

Chimichangas Salsa Frango com receita caseira 

Tortillas filled with cooked chicken and salsa, wrapped and fried in vegetable oil until they crisp up. Serve with guacamole, rice Picante or Mexican fried rice, salsa, lettuce and cheese for a complete meal.
Tags: peito de frango, tortilhas, chili em pó, salsa, alho 

Chili famoso Chasen receita con carne 

This is the chili con carne recipe of the famous restaurant Chasen's. This recipe uses both beef and pork meat, spices, parsley, butter, tomatoes and bell peppers and instead of red kidney beans, is uses pinto beans. You can substitute the pinto beans with red kidney beans or borlotti beans but if you want to be as close to the original recipe as possible, try to use the pinto beans.
Tags: chuck carne bovina, paleta de porco, pimenta em pó, feijão, alho 
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Extra hot chili con carne receita 

An extra hot version of chili con carne that uses a combination of chili peppers, chili powder, Tabasco sauce and chorizo sausage (which is a hot Mexican sausage). This dish can be served with Mexican fried rice, sour cream and salsa.
Tags: carne moída, chouriço, pó de pimentão, pimenta jalapeño, alho 

Chimichangas Beef (com carne moída) Receita 

Tortillas filled with a ground beef, onion and tomato sauce (Salsa or enchilada sauce), wrapped up and deep fried until golden brown and crisp. A typical Mexican dish, great as a main course when served with fried rice, sour cream, cheese, guacamole or any other combination of Mexican condiments.
Tags: carne moída, tortillas, salsa, molho de enchilada, cebolas 

Receita chimichangas Beef 

Beef chimichangas are tortillas filled with a beef and salsa mixture, folded like an envelope and fried in vegetable oil until they get a light golden color. A typical Mexican plate, served with Mexican rice and other condiments as a main dish.
Tags: carne, tortilhas, chili em pó, salsa, alho 

Frango Assado Receita chimichangas 

A low fat version of chicken chimichangas, tortillas filled with a chicken mixture and then instead of being fried, they are baked. Great as a main dish with Mexican fried rice or rice picante and other Mexican condiments.
Tags: galinha, feijões fritos, tortillas de farinha de trigo, salsa, alho 

Chasen famoso chili con carne enlatada com receita de feijão vermelho 

This is a variation of the famous restaurant Chasen's chili con carne recipe. The original recipe uses dried pinto beans that are soaked, boiled in water and then cooked with tomatoes. This recipe uses all the ingredients used in the original recipe except the pinto beans. Instead, canned red kidney beans are used. The result is not the same but it is equally delicious.
Tags: chuck carne bovina, paleta de porco, pimenta em pó, feijão vermelho, alho 

Guacamole Clássico (com pimentas Ancho) Receita 

An original Mexican guacamole dip using Ancho chiles. Use with typical Mexican dishes such as fajitas or chimichangas.
Tags: suco, guacamole cal, ancho de petróleo, Chile azeite, cebola 
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