Receitas semelhante ao chouriço e ovos

Receita pasta base mole 

A recipe for basic mole paste, an important ingredient in Mexican cuisine. Its main ingredients include several varieties of chili peppers, nuts and spices.
Tags: chiles anco, chiles pasilla, chiles mulato, passas pretas, amêndoas 

Frango Assado Receita chimichangas 

A low fat version of chicken chimichangas, tortillas filled with a chicken mixture and then instead of being fried, they are baked. Great as a main dish with Mexican fried rice or rice picante and other Mexican condiments.
Tags: galinha, feijões fritos, tortillas de farinha de trigo, salsa, alho 

Filé Mignon Receita burritos 

Beef steak burritos is a classic Mexican dish, great for lunch or dinner. Flour tortillas are filled with a sirloin steak mixture, rolled up, topped with a chile sauce and cheese and baked in the oven. Burritos can be served with sour cream, salsa or other typical Mexican side dishes.
Tags: bife de lombo, cebola, tomate, farinha tortilhas, chiles verdes 

Chicken enchiladas Verde (enchiladas com molho verde) da receita 

A typical Mexican dish, chicken enchiladas with Salsa Verde (green sauce) is a favorite. This is a traditional Mexican recipe using flour tortillas, a green salsa (made with tomatillos and jalapenos), chicken and cheese. Once you prepare all the ingredients, the enchilada assembly process is quite easy.
Tags: peito de frango, alho, salsa verde, creme de farinha de tortillas, sour 

Chicken chimichangas receita 

Chicken chimichangas are a delicious and extremely easy to make Mexican dish. Flour tortillas are filled with cooked chicken, onion and cheese and deep fried until crisp and golden brown. Serve with fried rice and condiments such as sour cream, guacamole and salsa for a complete meal.
Tags: peito de frango, queijo, cebola, farinha de tortillas, guacamole 

Chimichangas receita Supremo 

Chimichangas with beef, chile and onion, topped with a red chili sauce and cheese, baked and then served topped with a sour cream mixture, tomatoes and shredded lettuce. Serve with refried beans, fried rice or other Mexican condments.
Palavras-chave: carne bovina, alho, pimentão verde, farinha de tortillas, guacamole 

Chili molho de tomate (com chiles Anaheim) Receita 

Um tomate saboroso e molho de chile, ótimo para qualquer prato mexicano.
Tags: tomates, pimentas Anaheim, pimentas jalapeño, azeite, pimenta 
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Guacamole Clássico (com pimentas Ancho) Receita 

An original Mexican guacamole dip using Ancho chiles. Use with typical Mexican dishes such as fajitas or chimichangas.
Tags: suco, guacamole cal, ancho de petróleo, Chile azeite, cebola 
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Feijão Refried receita chimichangas 

Delicious, easy to make, bean and cheese Chimichangas. Flour tortillas are filled with refried beans and cheese, rolled, fried until crispy and golden brown and served with lettuce, sour cream and salsa.
Palavras-chave: feijão frito, queijo, chiles, tortillas de farinha de trigo, salsa 

Receita de frango e burritos de feijão 

Fácil e rápido de frango e burritos de feijão, pronto em 15 minutos.
Tags: frango, feijão, tomate, suco de limão, farinha tortilhas