Recipes similar to Pasta with beef slices in a creamy sauce

Receita de frango cremoso fettuccini 

Fettucini com frango cozido em um creme de cogumelos e molho de alho. 
Cogumelos Tags: galinha, fattucini, creme de leite fresco, alho branco 

Bovino receita Cartuccio 

Veal cutlets pan fried and then baked in the oven with mushrooms, onions, prosciutto, green peas, parsley and parmesan. Serve with a green salad and roasted potatoes for a complete meal.
Tags: costeletas de vitela, queijo parmesão, as cebolas, ervilhas, cogumelos 

Receita de Esparguete carbonara 

A variation of this famous Italian spaghetti carbonara recipe that uses ham instead of bacon.
Palavras-chave: presunto, queijo parmesão, ovos, manteiga, espaguete 

Receita de almôndegas Italiano 

Meatballs flavored with Italian herbs baked in the oven with tomato sauce, great with spaghetti or as a snack.
Tags: espaguete, almôndegas, carne moída, parmesão, alho 

Chicken Parmesan (versão nossa favorita) Receita 

This is our favorite version for this popular Italian Chicken Parmesan recipe. Chicken pieces are dipped into garlic flavoured  butter,  coated in breadcrumbs and herbs and then baked in the oven. Unlike the other recipes, this version does not use tomato sauce, but it is equally delicious.
Tags: peitos de frango, queijo parmesão, alho, salsa, ervas 
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Panna Cotta receita 

Panna Cotta, literally meaning cooked cream in Italian, is a simple, light and delicious Italian dessert. This recipe uses a strawberry coulis for topping but you can use any kind of coulis you like.
Tags: leite, creme de leite, morangos 

Galinha Receita parmesão 

Chicken breasts coated in breadcrumbs and herbs, cooked in butter and tomato sauce and topped with mozzarella and parmesan cheese. 
Tags: frango, queijo parmesão, ervas, molho de tomate 

Presunto e mussarela receita arancini 

Italian rice and Parmesan cheese balls filled with mozarella and ham. A delicious snack or appetizer, great for any occation.
Tags: arroz, manteiga sem sal, queijo parmesão, queijo mussarela, presunto 

Receita abobrinha recheada 

Simple and delicious zucchini stuffed with ground beef and parmesan cheese, cooked in a tomato and parsley sauce. This dish is great as an appetizer or main dish.
Tags: abobrinha, carne moída, tomate 

Ricota e parmesão na receita do nhoque molho cremoso de alho (com fotos) 

Gnocchi is an Italian small sized dumpling, usually made with potato and flour, boiled and served with a sauce and/or grated cheese. Unlike the traditional gnocchi recipe, this one uses Ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, egg and flour for one of the most delicious gnocchi dishes ever. The gnocchi is cooked in boiling water and then tossed in a simple Alfredo sauce.
Tags: ricota, queijo parmesão, o ovo, a farinha, o creme 
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