Recipes similar to Basic marinara (tomato) sauce

Kotitekoinen makea italialainen makkara resepti 

Another easy homemade Italian sausage recipe, great for any recipe that calls for ground meat. You can use this sausage for pizza toppings, for a spaghetti tomato sauce, as a lasagna filling or anything else you like.
Tunnisteet: maa sianliha, fenkoli siemenet, paprika, valkosipuli, punaviinietikkaa 
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Pizza taikina resepti 

A pizza dough recipe that can be easily frozen and cooked at any time. Top the pizza dough with your favorite ingredients and cook it in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes. You can also top the pizza dough and refrigerate it for several weeks; cook it without defrosting it in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes.
Tunnisteet: kuivahiivaa, jauhoja, oliiviöljy, suola, vesi 
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Fast kana cacciatore (Pollo cacciatore) resepti 

A simple, delicious and fast Italian dish, chicken or pollo cacciatore is chicken breasts, browned in vegetable oil, then stewed for 30 minutes with white sliced mushrooms, garlic and tomatoes. Serve with freshly made garlic bread or pasta for a quick and easy classic Italian dish.
Tags: peitos de frango, cogumelos, alho, tomate, manjericão 
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Espaguete com molho de carne Receita florentino 

Pasta with a meat sauce made with minced beef, chicken livers, celery, carrot, onion, tomatoes and red wine. The special with this recipe is the use of the chicken livers.
Tags: carne picada, os fígados de galinha, o vinho tinto, tomate, macarrão 

Conchas Macarrão com frango e brócolis Receita 

Um saboroso frango e brócolis Macarrão Receita.
Tags: peitos de frango, brócolis, flores, ervas, pasta 

Receita abobrinha recheada 

Simple and delicious zucchini stuffed with ground beef and parmesan cheese, cooked in a tomato and parsley sauce. This dish is great as an appetizer or main dish.
Tags: abobrinha, carne moída, tomate 

Chicken Cacciatore (frango com tomate e vinho) Receita 

A simple and easy to make recipe that is delicious and heatlhy. Chicken pieces are browned in olive oil and cooked with onions, garlic, tomatoes, herbs and white wine.
Tags: galinha, alho, vinho branco, orégano, tomate 

Frango com pimentos assados e receita de coentro 

Chicken breasts cooked in a wine, garlic, tomato, coriander, onion and roasted peppers sauce. The use of roasted peppers gives this dish an intense, delicious flavor. 
Tags: frango, pimentos assados, coentro, alho, tomate 

Osso Buco (pernil bovino italiano) da receita 

Osso buco is a classic Italian veal recipe, great with risotto or pasta. The veal shanks are first browned and then slowly cooked in a stock made of vegetables and herbs. Some variations of this recipe use white wine instead of the tomatoes.
Tags: canelas de vitela, cebola, alho, aipo, tomates 

Chicken Parmesan (versão nossa favorita) Receita 

This is our favorite version for this popular Italian Chicken Parmesan recipe. Chicken pieces are dipped into garlic flavoured  butter,  coated in breadcrumbs and herbs and then baked in the oven. Unlike the other recipes, this version does not use tomato sauce, but it is equally delicious.
Tags: peitos de frango, queijo parmesão, alho, salsa, ervas 
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