Cooking dictionary
Check our cooking dictionary for information on herbs, spices, vegetables, fruits, cooking tools and cooking terminology.
Bacon is cured, sometimes smoked, pork. Depending on the origin of the bacon, different areas of th... read more... |
Bagel is a donut shaped bread product made with flour, yeast, water and oil. Other ingredients like onion, suga... read more... |
A Filipino paste or sauce made from salted, fermented fish, anchovies or shrimp. It is used in Asian dishes and can be bought in glass containers.
Baking powder is a white, dry chemical, similar in texture to starch, used in batters and doughs for making breads, pancakes, waffles, cakes and similar. Using... read more... |
Baking soda is a leavening agent, similar to baking powder, used to give a rising effec... read more... |
See vinegar.
Banana squash is a large, banana shaped type of squash with a thick skin and a creamy orange flesh. It comes in pink, orange and blue colors and... read more... |
Banana is a popular fruit that comes in a variety of sizes and colors. The most common type of banana has a bright yellow color. When not ripe, the banana has a green color. Banana... read more... |
Basil is one of the most popular herbs, used widely allover the world. It comes in different types (in shape and color of the leaves and taste) but the most common type of... read more... |
Bay leaves are the leaves of the bay tree, widely used in cooking for their flavor and aroma. They are very common in the Mediterranean cuisine. Bay leaves are pungent with a bitter taste and a distinctive aroma and they can be used fresh o... read more... |