General cooking tips

Preserving the color of basil leaves To preserve the color of basil leaves, do not cut cut them - leave them whole instead.
Help green bananas ripen faster Store bananas in a place with a lot of humidity, at 70 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 to 3 days to help them ripen faster. Neven store bananas in the refrigerator. 
Reducing the amount salt in smoked bacon To reduce the amount salt in smoked bacon, put it in boiling water for about 1 minute before using it.
Storing avocados To slow the ripening process of avocados, store them in the refrigerator. At room temperature, avocados take from 3 to 5 days to ripen. To speed up the ripening process of avocados, keep them at room temperature in a plastic or paper bag together with an apple.
Checking if an avocado is ripe A ripe avocado will yield slightly when you press it gently in the palm of your hand.
Preserving the color of avocado flesh Avocado flesh becomes oxidized when exposed to air and turns brown. To prevent this from happening, squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice to the avocado, immediately after peeling it.
Chosing fresh asparagus When bying fresh asparagus, look for closed, firm tips, smooth and tender green colored spears.
Cleaning leeks Chop leeks first, then wash them with lots of water and finally drain in a colander. This should take care of hard to remove dirt. Chop the leeks lengthwise and then wash with lots of water for better cleaning. 
Chosing fresh artichokes Look for compact, plump, round and heavy (related to their size) artichokes. Their leaves should be dark green with as few brown or black spots as possible.  
Uses of canned apricots Canned appricots are great as a cold desert, served with their juice, or as an addition to fruit salads and deserts. Apricot juice can also be reduced to thicken and serve as sauce for pies or ice cream.